【Radio】Mentioned on "叱吒903今日正Look At Me", 14-08-2015 CRHK FM90.3 Channel
TSANGFANYU is mentioned from 1:15 - 3:55 in a local radio program《今日正 Look At Me》at FM90.3 Channel by Commercial Radio Hong...

Press Featured on magazine, ISSUE 1043 東Touch
TSANGFANYU being featured in issue #1043, 東TOUCH (Easttouch), Page 38 to 39 on 26th May 2015 (Tuesday). /////////////////////////////////...

【News】Video on TV News, 22-05-2015 TVBe News Channel
Personal Interview of Hong Kong Artist Jay Fung(馮允謙) on TVB Entertainment News Channel (無綫娛樂新聞台) on 22th May 2015 (Friday). In the 5cm X...

Press Featured on magazine, Vol.764 新Monday
TSANGFANYU being featured in Vol.764, 新MONDAY (New Monday), Page 02 to 03 on 22th May 2015 (Friday). ////////////////////////////////////...

Featured in Where Did We Go? on whoAREinvited.com
5cm X YDC Design Award (TSANGFANYU YON collection sneakers) launch event being featured in " Where Did We Go" by whoAREinvited.com on...

Share to win! 【答中一題問題,即有機會獲贈「5cm x YDC Best Accessories Design Award」得獎鞋履一對( HKD 999 )】
分享給朋友吧! http://www.fashionally.com/5CMxYDC/zh-hk/#/share-to-win 登入網站,答中問題即有機會獲得5cm x YDC得奬鞋履一對! (截止日期:5月31日) Click into the above link,...

【News】Video Interview on Online TV News, at 16:33 on 20-05-2015 ONTV
Video News & personal interview about TSANGFANYU on Hong Kong Lifestyle Supplement at 16:33, 20th May 2015 (Wednesday) 5cm x...

Press Featured on magazine, ISSUE 1042 東Touch
TSANGFANYU being featured in issue #1042, 東TOUCH (Easttouch), Page 10 on 19th May 2015 (Tuesday). 5cm X YDC 本土創作 YON 限定登場...

Featured in What's New? on whoAREinvited.com
TSANGFANYU YON collection sneakers being featured in " What's new? " by whoAREinvited.com on 18th May 2015 (Monday),...

【如果你唔想著人舊鞋…】 喺呢個世界上要搵到一對潮得嚟靚、靚得嚟好著,好著得嚟你又鐘意嘅嘅鞋真係好難。不如毛孩教精你買鞋嘅至尊秘訣:識得買,一定係啱腳嘅~ 等毛孩睇下呢個款有幾啱我隻毛腳先:http://www.fashionally.com/5CMxYDC/ ...