【Zen-like White Kicks】 5cm x YDC Best Accessories Design Award

5cm x YDC 「最佳時尚飾物獎」
為何白波鞋如此受歡迎?除了有賴Céline創意總監Phoebe Philo連續幾季時裝周都穿它謝幕之外,要成為世界各地潮人的必備鞋款,其百搭易襯已經是基本條件,最討人歡心是白波鞋的款式千變萬化,你不用擔心「撞鞋」的危險,每個品牌推出的白波鞋都具備不同個性,「你的品味如何,你的白波鞋也必如何」,要為自己挑選一雙能代表自己個性的才是時尚之道。
如果你正在物色白波鞋,這對限量版必定令你眼前一亮!這對充滿日本「禪味」的白波鞋出自香港時裝設計家創作表演賽2015「最佳時尚飾物獎」得主曾繁宇的手筆,奬項贊助商i.t Apparel Ltd更支持生産得奬作品,於指定5CM店作限量發售。白波鞋外型簡約,採用防水面料設計,是白波鞋愛好者的一大喜訊 。
5cm x YDC 「最佳時尚飾物獎」限量白波鞋 ($999)
5月20日開賣 (只限以下指定5cm門市發售):
電話: 2730 6626
觀塘APM UC-15號店
電話: 3417 1495
電話: 2506 3578
Zen-like White Kicks
5cm x YDC Best Accessories Design Award
White sneakers have become the universal “it” item, ever since Celine’s Phoebe Philo wore them to take her bow at the label’s runway shows. They go with literally every outfit, and you never have to worry clashing your “look of the day” with others. No white sneakers are the only cool kid on the block, tonnes of options by different labels are ready to indulge you this summer. The only question is, which and how they are going to represent you.
If you happen to be looking for white footwear options, try this pair of limited edition sneakers for just as much cool street credit. Designed by Tsang Fan Yu, winner of Best Accessories Design Award in Hong Kong Young Fashion Designers’ Contest (YDC) 2015, the Zen-inspired white sneakers are produced with support from i.t Apparel Ltd, and will be sold in selective 5cm outlets in limited quantity. Minimal and slick, the sneakers are made from waterproof fabrics.
5cm x YDC Best Accessories Design Award Limited Edition (HK$999)
Available only at the 5cm outlets below from 20th May 2015
Shop 2033, Miramar Shopping Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2730 6626
Shop UC-15, APM, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3417 1495
Shop B223B, Times Square, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2506 3578
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