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“最佳時尚飾物奬"是YDC2015的新增奬項,由i.t apparels Ltd全力支持,旨在表揚比賽中出色的鞋履或飾物設計。 曾繁宇憑簡約日式戰袍和中性剪裁的男裝系列「 YON」 獲獎。Vice President of International Business of I.T Ltd., Deborah Cheng頒發奬座于曾繁宇。
A new Best Accessories Design Award is added in YDC 2015 under the sponsorship of i.t apparels Ltd to recognise excellence in the design of footwear and accessories. The subtle marriage of tradition and modernity menswear collection “YON” by Tsang Fan Yu won the Best Accessories Design Award. Deborah Cheng, Vice President of International Business of I.T Ltd. was on stage with Tsang Fan Yu to present him the trophy.

於今年初獨家贊助香港青年時裝設計家創作表演賽(YDC)全場鞋履及最佳時尚飾物奬的本地時裝百貨巨頭 i.t apparels Ltd,與YDC一樣致力推廣及培育年青一代的時裝設計師。i.t apparels Ltd.支持生産得奬作品,將設計師的創作意念投產,帶到零售市場的層面,為年青設計師提供寶貴的商業實戰機會。贊助商兼評判之一的Deborah Cheng, Vice President of Marketing & International Business, I.T Ltd.根據創意、手工、用料及市場潛力評分,再與I.T的專業團隊作長時間討論而一致選出得奬系列。
As the Sole and Official Footwear Sponsor and Prize Sponsor for Best Accessories Design Award in the Hong Kong Young Fashion Designers’ Contest (YDC) 2015, i.t apparels Ltd is keen to promote local designers to a wider level. By helping the designer to produce and sell his winning collection to the market, the international fashion house is offering a rare commercial opportunity to the winner.
The award was selected based on creativity, workmanship, use of materials, marketability and is a result of the long-time discussion between Ms. Deborah Cheng, Vice President of Marketing & International Business, I.T Ltd who sat the judging panel of YDC 2015 and her in-house design teams.

受到日本侘寂哲學的影響,曾繁宇的設計流露出一種現代又低調的美感。繁宇曾擔任社工,在他的設計上反映了不平凡的精緻度。其後,他轉到香港理工大學修讀時裝設計,受到日本武士的忠心和勇氣的啟發,那份忠誠的態度,就像他堅持自己的興趣一樣。繁宇用防水面料和尼龍織帶把武士的造型變得現代化。透過深沉的藍色和黑色,他的簡約日式戰袍和中性裁剪為受眾帶來一份寧靜。傳統與現代的微妙結合,正正在他的男裝系列 「YON」 中體現出來。這個系列亦為他帶來香港青年時裝設計家創作表演賽2015的「最佳時尚飾物獎」。此獎項激勵了他,讓他完成時裝學業,並繼續探究男裝和男女皆宜的服裝市場。
Inspired by the Japanese wabi-sabi aesthetic, Tsang Fan Yu’s design exudes an understated yet modern form of beauty. The design reflects an unusually sophisticated state of mind for a young designer. Now studying fashion design at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Fan Yu switched focuses from earlier jobs in social work. He is deeply inspired by the loyalty and courage of Japanese samurai. It reflects his personal loyalty to his own interests. For his designs he has researched and transformed samurai-like looks with waterproof fabrics and nylon webbing. Through meditative shades of dark blues and black his boxy, minimal Japanese tabard shapes and androgynous cut delivers an image of stillness. This subtle marriage of tradition and modernity in his menswear collection “YON” won him the Best Accessories Design Award at The 2015 Hong Kong Young Fashion Designers’ Contest (YDC). This type of spirit will continue to empower Fan Yu to grow his presence in the menswear and unisex clothing market while finishing his studies.
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